
Click on Titles for Forms.

Youth Faith Formation Registration

To register children for Youth Faith Formation, please complete the form above.

Circles of Trust

Interested in joining a Circle of Trust? Complete the form above.

Childcare Request Form

If you or your group need childcare for a church meeting or event, please complete the above form TWO WEEKS in advance. Childcare is provided for children ages 10 and under only. Once you click "Submit," the form will go directly to ORUUC's Multigenerational Coordinator Whitney Cole, who will work with Childcare Coordinator Laura Scott to arrange childcare for your church function. If you have not received a response within two days, please contact the Church Office at 865-483-6761. Thank you.

Check Request

Complete the form to request a check for payment or reimbursement for a church expense.

Shared Ministry Agreement

While we welcome and accept Shared Ministry Applications throughout the year, the office asks that after you have completed the SMA above, please email our Office Administrator here to ensure you are placed on the next Executive Team Agenda for review.

Essential Function Ministry Agreement

This form should be completed for each fiscal year, July -June.

Guided Reflection on Ministry (2025)

ORUUC Contractors

If you need to turn in hours for payroll please complete the following form for each day worked.