Making Your Pledge
Want to join us in our mission of people coming alive with purpose and passion, toward a more loving East Tennessee? Make your pledge today by clicking here.
What’s a Pledge?
A “pledge” is the commitment a household makes to give a certain amount of money to ORUUC over the course of a particular fiscal year. ORUUC’s fiscal year runs from July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the following year. Because most households run on a monthly budget, most pledges are made on a “per-month basis.” So, a pledge would be, “For the 2024-25 Fiscal Year, the X household pledges Y dollars per month, for an annual total of Z.”
Why Does It Matter?
ORUUC provides spiritual inspiration and uplifting community to hundreds of people in Oak Ridge and beyond—and also online! ORUUC ministries reach out into the wider community, providing meals and other forms of nourishment and support. ORUUC gives voice to your values in the public sphere. Sustaining all of that good stuff takes money. Almost 80% of the money fueling ORUUC’s mission comes from pledges.
How Much Should I Pledge?
The short answer is: that’s up to you! There’s no minimum or maximum or required amount. ORUUC is an economically diverse congregation. Some have a lot of money; some have not much; and most are in between. Households pledge at a level that communicates their investment in ORUUC’s mission, given their financial capacity. For people figuring out the right level for them, the Unitarian Universalist Association provides a “Suggested Fair Share Contribution Guide.”
When Do I Pledge?
ORUUC’s fiscal year runs from July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the following year. Typically, January-March is budgeting season for the following fiscal year. ORUUC budgets conservatively, not through wishful thinking. So, in April/May each year, households are asked to make their pledges for the following fiscal year. Of course, people get involved with ORUUC throughout the whole year. So, if you’ve found ORUUC in, say, October, and know it’s right for you? You can make your pledge for the current fiscal year.
My Financial Circumstances Are Uncertain (or Have Changed): Can I Adjust My Pledge?
The short answer: yes. Imagine that in March of one year, you pledge X dollars per month for the fiscal year starting July 1. But then, in September, your financial situation changes. Maybe, unexpectedly, your income goes down or your expenses go up. Or, maybe, unexpectedly, things improve—you get a promotion or pay off a debt. Yes, knowing people’s intentions, through pledges, in February and March each year helps inform ORUUC’s budget for the next fiscal year. But we know that things change. If things change for you? Simply email the church office at to communicate your new pledging level going forward. You don’t need to provide a reason or explanation, unless it helps you to do so. Direct information about expectations is enough.
Money and Stress
Making a commitment to others can be a challenge. Committing to a congregation can be even more challenging. And mixing money and church? Hoo boy! That might set off alarm bells inside! You may have experienced a congregation that mistreated you and mishandled your money. Or maybe money is a sore point with you, generally, as it is for so many. Here’s what we ask: talk to someone about it. Share your feelings, your fears, your hopes. Share your values and priorities. Share the challenges you’re up against in your life. When we talk about money, we talk about meaning. So, let’s risk having that conversation. You can talk to Minister Lóre Stevens. You can talk to an ORUUC lay leader or member you trust. In the end, here’s one thing to know: your decision is up to you.
Pledging and Membership
Some people say that becoming a member of a congregation is akin to “taking off the bib” and “putting on the apron.” In other words, membership is when you decide to change your relationship from one of primarily receiving to one of sharing. When you’re ready to help “host the party,” to take some responsibility for the ORUUC mission? That’s when it’s time to become a member. For some, that’s soon after arrival. For others, it’s a longer process. Whenever you’re ready to join, ORUUC Bylaws name three requirements: attending a “Considering Commitment” class; meeting with the Minister (to forge a direct, personal relationship); and making a financial pledge. Sustaining membership in the years after requires making and upholding a financial pledge, too.
Make Your Pledge Today
Ready to make your pledge? Great! It’s simple. You can do it online. Just click here.
Thank You!
Your generosity enables us to help more people experience a life-changing relationship, with one another, and with Life. We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you.
When you give, you partake in the interdependence at the heart of all things. You are committing to the common good, to a shared adventure. This is the essence of Unitarian Universalism: doing life together.
Your gifts support the ministries of Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church, and they help lives throughout the community. But you'll notice that giving does something else: it helps you live the way you've been wanting to live: Faithfully. Abundantly. Generously. With commitment. Thank you for sharing.