Our Ministries
ORUUC has many ways to be of service, from pastoral care and social justice work, to fundraising and committee work. General descriptions are below.
For more information, view our Guide to Ministries & Activities.
Pastoral Care
Provides pastoral care to our congregation, including our ministers, the Memorial Services Committee, the Caring Committee and our Lay Pastoral Care Associates.
ORUUC Cares! We can only respond to the needs of our Members and Friends if we know about them. Please tell us how we can help you connect with the congregation through a time of personal joy or sorrow. Find out more on our Caring page: http://www.oruuc.org/caring
If you would like to join our Caring Network, we would love to have you. It doesn’t matter how much time you have to give, it all adds up! There are many ways to participate … preparing meals, giving rides, or just being a shoulder to lean on during a time of need. Connect with us on our Caring page: http://www.oruuc.org/caring
Worship & Music
Enhances the quality of worship and music within in the congregation, including the Sunday Greeters and Hosts, Music & Worship Team, and Ushers.
Social Justice
Reaches out to support social justice efforts of the congregation, including Allies for Racial Equity, Stone Soup, Tabitha's Table, Ecumenical Storehouse, PFLAG, Citizen's Climate Coalition, and more.
Maintains beautiful, functional, and safe grounds and facilities. Includes the Maintenance Crew, Sound Crew, Grounds Team, and Safety Team.
Board & Committees
Ensures the church runs smoothly through policy-setting, decision making, and performance reviews. This includes the Board of Trustees, Executive Team, Endowment Fund Committee, Nominating Committee, and Personnel Committee.
Supports fundraising efforts of the church, including our Rummage Sale and Auction.
“I’ve been around this organization for a long time. I’ve changed residences and cars several times, as well as grocery stores, dentists and TV sets. Come to think of it, I didn’t even have a TV when our church began. Why such longevity with ORUUC? To begin with, I’m an atheist, so the number of denominations that would put up with me is limited. Why do I seek any denomination? I don’t believe that benevolence is necessarily based upon gullibility. I think the words Al Capp put in Mammy Yokum’s mouth have cosmic application. What she said was, “Good is better than evil because it’s nicer.” If you get a bunch of people together who really believe that, it’s hard to resist their appeal.”