Our Ministries
ORUUC has many ways to be of service, from pastoral care and social justice work, to fundraising and committee work. General descriptions are below.
For more information, view our Guide to Ministries & Activities.
Pastoral Care
Provides pastoral care to our congregation, including our ministers, the Memorial Services Committee, the Caring Committee and our Lay Pastoral Care Associates.
ORUUC Cares! We can only respond to the needs of our Members and Friends if we know about them. Please tell us how we can help you connect with the congregation through a time of personal joy or sorrow. Find out more on our Caring page: http://www.oruuc.org/caring
If you would like to join our Caring Network, we would love to have you. It doesn’t matter how much time you have to give, it all adds up! There are many ways to participate … preparing meals, giving rides, or just being a shoulder to lean on during a time of need. Connect with us on our Caring page: http://www.oruuc.org/caring